BASCOM AVR is a very powerful compiler for AVR micro controllers.


BASCOM AVR is a very powerful and easy-to-use compiler for the AVR series of micro controllers developed by Atmel.

The program comes with a very user-friendly interface and a set of simple commands, and provides more flexibility than other programs in this category. Anybody with some basic knowledge of C or C++ can write a successful program using BASCOM, as most of its functions and its statement structure is similar to those in C. Expert users will find many well-known commands and loops that can shorten a lengthy program, thus reducing the flash or EEPROM memory required.

The best thing about BASCOM AVR is that it can directly burn any flash file into a micro controller using just four wires connected to your computer’s parallel port (printer port, or LPT port). If you are using a laptop or a netbook with just a USB port, then you can compile and save your program as a hex or bin file and burn it later using USBISP burners with any third-party flash burning tool. This version comes with a built-in PDF viewer, which helps you to have your circuit schematics and the pin configurations of your uC always handy when you're writing a program. The program's simulator, syntax checker, and emulator tools can help you scan your program for errors before burning it into any uC. The more than a hundred sample programs and free online tutorials included will help you to learn micro controller programming at home without any extra help.

Shortly, if you need to program an AVR or if you are a robotics enthusiast like me, this program is a must-have for you. As for the capabilities of its commands and its compiler, they are endless – from making a light bulb blink to controlling an autonomous robot.


  • Easy-to-use commands and user-friendly GUI
  • Inbuilt utilities to help you to work with micro controllers easily
  • Fully functional demo


  • None
This program received 3 awards
MCS Electronics
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Pawel 24 days ago

I've worked with Bascom since 1999. I do recommend it!

JULIO VALADARES 2 months ago

I have been working with Bascom-AVR for a long time and I am very satisfied!

bascom 8 years ago

We are glad you liked it.

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